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Moses Lake Municipal Airport currently has a single paved runway—16/34. Its total length is 2,513 feet and it's 50 feet wide. There are displaced thresholds at both ends, so, while you can use all 2,513 feet for taking off, landing distances are reduced. Landing to the north, you lose 253 feet, and landing to the south, you lose 466 feet.


If landing to the north (34) and shooting for the numbers, you may get close to a building which is on final, so watch out for that.


When landing to the south (16), you'll be coming in over a road which runs east/west. Watch out for passing vehicles.




Starting in 2023, we will have a grass runway. Stay tuned for information about this runway.




We have runway lighting. The lights come on automatically every night when it gets dark, so there is no pilot-controlled lighting. If you fly an old bird with no radio, you're welcome to land here. The lights will be on for you.


Wind Sock & Tee


Mid-field on the west side of the runway, you'll find a combination wind-sock and wind-tee. They are inside a segmented circle in case you're not sure of the pattern. The sock and tee are also illuminated automatically every night.


Helicopter Landing Pad


On the east side of the runway across from the runway-34 threshold (south end of the field), there is a dedicated helicopter landing pad. We love everything that flies, so even if your wings aren't bolted on, you're welcome to land at our little airport. The pilot lounge is just about a hundred yards to the north, so come on in for a cold drink, to use the restroom, or just to relax for a bit.




Our airport occupies a cutout in the southeast corner of Grant County International Airport, so our traffic patterns are east of the runway so as to stay out of the class-D airspace. Be aware of that airspace on arrival or departure, but you're always welcome to call their tower if you want to transition through their airspace. They're really laid back and won't mind letting you through.

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